Friday 8 November 2013

Reciprocal Paranoia, Rapturous Pejoration available now!

Reciprocal Paranoia (Contact IV) and Rapturous Pejoration (Contact V) are published and you can buy them now.

Reciprocal Paranoia (Contact IV) is available on iBooks and kobobooks.
Rapturous Pejoration (Contact V) is available on,, Apple iBooks and kobobooks.

To celebrate the release of the new books, Redemption Protocol is currently free on Apple iBooks and kobo. My understanding is that Amazon will price match (to make it free on and as soon as their systems notice.

Thanks so much for buying my books. I hope you enjoy the new additions to the series, and I look forward to your comments!

Yours aye!

Thursday 24 October 2013

Opposable thumbs – you miss em when they’re gone*

Guys and Gals!
TLDR: both Reciprocal Paranoia (book 4) and Rapturous Pejoration (book 5) are with my wonderful test readers, and should be released soon.

Well I went into my operations (complete shoulder reconstruction and ankle tidy up) will my usual sense of self-reliance, optimism and confidence that things would work out, and as usual life scooped up a bucket full of machine parts, dropped them in a sack and smashed me in the face until I spat my teeth from my bleeding gums. This is my way of saying: I'm not just a bit late with my books, this time I actually have an excuse.

It's 12 weeks today (Thursday) since my shoulder reconstruction and the rehab has been harder than expected. I slept for 6 weeks in a padded sling with my arm stuck out in front of me at ninety degrees. Put another way, I didn’t sleep. I was looking forward to this (in a sick-ish kind of way) as finally teaching me how to sleep on my back. Didn’t work. I injured my injury, which has complicated my recovery. I got migraines from neck issues from the shoulder problems and had the joy (since repeated often) of a whole day in bed with nothing wrong with me but a rhino stamping on my face, stormy seas bucking under my mattress, a vampiric disaffinity to light and the need to slither out of bed to vomit. On the upside, I finally learned how to spell nausea without spellcheck and the migraine phase seems to have passed. My shoulder and arm are pathetically weak (this week, for the first time, I can lie on my front and pass a ball across my back, sweet ecstasy). By comparison, my ankle recovery has been a breeze. There are moments when I feel as though I will never fly again, but as dear friend pointed out, even the gimpy pigeons that eat yesterday’s abandoned pizza seem happy in their own way. Words can’t express how this image has nourished me in the dark times.

To the many people who wrote in to wish me luck (well, the one person), I say: thank you, BazookaMadeOfCheese.

The good news is that Reciprocal Paranoia (book 4), has been with my wonderful test readers for a week (and early reports from the early finishers are excellent), and Rapturous Pejoration (book 5) was delivered to them 2 days ago, this past Wednesday. Barring unforeseen problems, soon I will graduate to lifting a weight that isn't pink and the next two installments of the Contact series will hit the virtual bookshelves.

Yours aye!

* you really, really, really miss em.

Thursday 25 July 2013

Reciprocal Paranoia and Rapturous Pejoration

Guys and Gals!

TLDR: Book 4 and book 5 should be out in October...

First, thank you so much for all the great feedback about the first three books in the Contact series – at this nascent stage of my career every bit of encouragement is wonderful and memorable and helps tremendously when burning the midnight oil.

Many people have sent me specific questions about the books, the series and what it will comprise, the characters, storytelling in general, me, whether I’m making a living at this (not yet, I am consuming my savings so thank you for your support thus far), doing it full time (yes, for now), what tools/ software I use, marketing, or movies, or graphic novels or a combination of all of the above. I love to get these notes (thank you!) though I’m giving fairly short answers as I focus on getting the books released. I’d love to do an interview type Q&A using the questions I’ve been sent and post them up but I figure for the moment the books are the thing people care about. Nevertheless, thanks for the mail and the interest (it’s a special thing) and for those who want to help, reviews on,, Goodreads and so on are a wonderful boost.

To the crux of the matter: the next episodes of the Contact saga. I’m editing as you read this, with drafts of book four complete at 120k words (provisionally titled Reciprocal Paranoia) and book five complete at 140k words (provisionally titled Rapturous Pejoration). I plan to release these together (as they are more of a two-parter, or even a three-parter with book six, Rabid Penitence) before commencing on Rabid Penitence, which is partly done and so kick ass I am really looking forward to writing it. The sixth book should bring one major chapter of the series to a close (as another one opens) so if you’re looking for a chance to bail, it’s there!

I should have books four and five published in a couple of months (October) so look forward to about a quarter of a million words landing around then. The release is slightly complicated by having two operations under general anesthetic coming up and looking at some time in a sling (don’t go there!).

As an aside, and to show the difficulty of estimating the unknown, I originally conceived of this story as a series of five books. When I release book six, Rabid Penitence, I shall finally complete what I had planned to fill book one of the original five! I tried with book four and five to move the series to books of around eighty to ninety thousand words so I could release them more regularly but that hasn’t worked out on this occasion. If you have reached this far through this post (extra points for you!) I’d love to know what you think of shorter, more frequent books so you get the episodes more often. At the moment I’m thinking not for the Contact series but possibly for others – I have so many stories to tell I wish I could clone myself.

Thanks again for the positive reviews on,, goodreads and so on – they make a huge difference in raising the profile of the books and helping keep this little boat (with its aspirations to be a grand liner) afloat. I'm truly grateful.

I’d love to hear from you, please email me or use the comments on this blog.

Thanks again.

Until next time.

Ps. if you’re reading this in December and the books aren’t out I can only apologize for dying on the operating table...

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Monday 1 October 2012


England and America are two countries separated by a common language.”
 - George Bernard Shaw

When I first published Redemption Protocol, I felt confident that, in no time whatsoever, Amazon (other ePublishers are available) would enable the publishing of multiple editions of a book in different languages that, particularly in the case of American English and British English, would be differentiated by a specific language tag, thus no longer requiring the language to be inelegantly specified in the title, and furthermore, that these multiple editions would be accessible from the same sales page by simply selecting the preferred option (the reasoning being, of course, that there are Americans in the UK, and Brits in the US, and who was I to deny them the correct spelling of chromaticity?). This being the case, I reasoned, surely it made sense to release both a US and a UK English version of my book, in order to serve my (at this point, solely phantasmal) readers better.

I was wrong.

The only correspondence that I have received on the matter of my varying language editions were queries as to why I did it. That aside, those motivated to comment merely observed that it ‘looked a bit odd’.

I agree.

Thus I am removing the rather odd duplication of my titles and, by implication, the aesthetically distasteful suffix that details their language, by unifying the books around what is by far the more popular choice of my audience, to wit, American English.

This week, at some nebulous point, the UK English editions will vanish, the US English editions will drop their awkward suffix, the changes will ripple out across the known universe, and peace and joy will suffuse all humanity (in reality, perhaps two of these things will happen, and there is some prospect of a third within the next eight weeks, or at least, I hope there is).

If anyone fervently wishes for a UK English edition, then all I ask is that you buy five thousand copies and I shall address it forthwith. Joking aside, do let me know.

In the meantime, I shall indulge my anglophile tendencies with terribly British (and perhaps terrible) blog posts such as these.

Recidivist Paradox. Nearly... there...

I’m delighted to announce that after some great reviews by test readers, Recidivist Paradox, the third book in the Contact series, will be out soon. Hell, I might even tweet about it.

Thanks for the great feedback on the first two books, see if you can spot the mild retcon from book two to book three, and I hope everyone enjoys it!

On another note, I’ve had lots of emails with great questions about the series, and as well as replying to these in person, I’m going to post some on this blog. I'll start with the most popular question, which usually goes something like, ‘if I get on board with this series, does it have an ending so profound, so powerful, so personally transformative, that it will have been worth investing in it?’ Something like that, anyway.

Spoiler. Damn right I do.

Sunday 11 December 2011