Ornette Coleman
If you spot any errors in any of my books then I would be incredibly grateful if you could email me. My email is mikefreemanauthor@gmail.com.
If you want the latest version on your kindle, simply visit your account on Amazon (you can use 'Manage Your Kindle' in your Kindle).
In 'Your Account > Manage Your Kindle' next to any titles that have updates it will state 'update available'. Simply select this to download the latest version.
Each version tends to correct one typo, some do a little more. Redemption Protocol had a major edit in the last quarter of 1012 that is now released as the 2nd edition (this was the first version into paperback).In 'Your Account > Manage Your Kindle' next to any titles that have updates it will state 'update available'. Simply select this to download the latest version.
If you have any other comments or questions I'd love to hear from you (and often do, which is great!). Please allow me some time to reply to you in case I'm away. If you haven't heard from me then feel free to resend, but know that I will always come back to you.
With respect to any errors, please do let me know. I do take quality extremely seriously, and my editing process has come on leaps and bounds since first publishing Redemption Protocol. I'm truly grateful for all the incredibly positive comments despite any snags (the comparisons to Asher, Hamilton, and Banks keep me smiling to this day).
Thanks again for buying my books.
Until next time.